Mistakes To Avoid While Designing Your Dining Room Table 

Mistakes To Avoid While Designing A Dining Room | Beautiful Homes

Furnishing your dining room might not be as easy as it seems. Dining tables come in different shapes and sizes. Also, there are many dining table trends. You will have to carefully choose it depending on your dining room design. However, your responsibility does not end with choosing a dining room table. You will have to design the space carefully as well to ensure the dining room design appears appealing. Some people make the mistake of adding too many furnishings while others under-furnish the room and leave it almost empty. As a result, the space appears unappealing. If you want to create a great dining room design, here are a few mistakes you must avoid:

01 of 05 Choosing the table and chairs of the same material

Many people are under the impression that matching all the elements will make the dining room more appealing. Hence, they end up choosing the table and chairs of the same material. Although it may seem like a good idea, experts suggest avoiding it. Matching too many elements in the dining room can make the appearance fall flat. Since these are the main elements of your dining room decor, the setup will appear dull. As a result, people might find your dining room decor uninviting. 

A great combination would be a timber table with upholstered chairs or a glass table with leather chairs. You can create other combinations as well. 

02 of 05 Matching the table colour with the floor

While trying to match different elements in the dining room design, people end up choosing a dining table colour that matches the colour of the floor. It is crucial that you choose a table colour that is different from the floor. Even if the table top matches the floor colour, the legs should be of a different colour. This will break the monotony and add more visual interest to your dining room setup.  

In case you already have a table that matches the floor colour and you do not want to replace it, laying a rug of a different colour on the floor can work. However, there are a few problems you might encounter with this solution.

03 of 05 Laying a rug that is too small

As mentioned earlier, you can lay a rug on the floor to break the monotony of the space. However, you will have to first ensure that your dining room is large enough for the rug. If you add a rug that is too big for the space, the room might appear cramped. Most dining rooms in urban apartments are not large enough for a rug. 

If you are among the lucky ones to have a large dining room, make sure you choose the right size. Adding a rug that is not proportionate to the room size will diminish the appeal of the room. To choose the right size, always ensure that the back legs of the chairs stay on the carpet even when you pull them to sit. If your chair comes out of the carpet area when you sit on it, the rug is too small for your dining table setup. Experts suggest choosing a rug that extends at least 60 cm from the edge of the dining table. 

04 of 05 Choosing a table that is too small 

Just like you can end up choosing a rug that is too small for your dining table setup, you can end up choosing a dining table that is too small for the room. People with large dining rooms often make this mistake. While some stick to a smaller size because of budget, others choose one because of fewer family members. However, you will have to choose furniture pieces that are proportionate to the room size if you want to create a well-designed dining room decor. Hence, you must consider choosing a bigger table for a large room, even if you need a small one. In case you have a small budget, you can look for affordable large dining tables. There are many budget-friendly dining table trends

05 of 05 Avoid cheap dining chairs

When you are low on budget, do not invest everything in the table. Many people make the mistake of only focusing on the table for the dining room design. As a result, they end up settling for cheap chairs. This mistake can make your dining experience horrible. This is because the dining chairs will determine your comfort level. If you feel uncomfortable while eating, you may not be able to enjoy your food. Cheap chairs might not have the required cushioning you need to sit comfortably. As a result, your back might start to hurt after a while. 

If you feel that you cannot afford a good quality table and chairs, it will be prudent to invest in quality chairs instead of a high-end dining table. The table can be dressed with a tablecloth to elevate its appeal but you will not be able to make your chairs comfortable. Moreover, the chairs can be used at other times as well when you need a space to sit. 

It is always better to check the comfort level before buying chairs. Prefer going to a showroom to buy them instead of ordering online. It will allow you to sit on them and test the comfort level before making any decision. Hence, you will be able to choose the perfect set of chairs for your dining table.

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