Improve the quality of the air you breathe with Airthings View line-up –



We recently had the chance to catch up with Erlend Bolle, chief product officer of the Radon and air quality monitoring company, Airthings, during which we took a look at the latest products in the company’s portfolio, and talked with Bolle about how the technology aims to make the world a better place to live.

When asked about what exactly Airthings’ line of gadgets do for consumers and the planet, Bolle told us, “At Airthings, our purpose is to empower the planet to breathe better. This goes both for people, empowering people to breathe healthier air, but while doing that we also do more environmentally friendly solutions. So really taking care of both people and planet, is core and essential to what we do. But, of course the passion in the company lies within air quality, and enabling people to understand what’s in the air and what they can actually do about it, and how important it is.”

As for how Airthings is looking to achieve this feat, the company has three main products, all in the View series: the Radon, Plus, and Pollution. In terms of how these three gadgets work, Bolle told us, “We took those analogue methods where you had to send it to the lab to get analysed, digitised it, and made it into a consumer product.”

If you’re concerned about the quality of the air you breathe and want to learn more about each of these products, be sure to catch our full interview with Bolle below (where we also talk about how the company was founded, how you can improve your air quality, and more), and also watch a Quick Look for the Airthings line of products above.

Improve the quality of the air you breathe with Airthings View line-up


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