How to Hide Your Instagram Online Status



When you have a lot of followers, it can get extremely annoying when a lot of your followers can see whether you are online. There is also a Last Seen status for anyone who you’re chatting with or just ended a conversation with.

So, in case if you are online, then a green dot next to your name or someone else’s profile picture and name assuming that person is online at the same time you are checking.

The Problem with people knowing that you are online is that people can always be chatty and you, like me, might want to just use Instagram for some people. But Fortunately WhatsaApp and Instagram both allow you to actually hide you activity status in both of those apps.

How to Hide Your Instagram Online Status

Most of the current social media apps and chat platforms allow a feature that lets you show when a user is online or last online which to be honest can be helpful or a problem depending on the person who gets to see your status and your personal relation with them.

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In this article we will see how we can establish to hide your instagram online status irrespective of when or how you use the Instagram app.

Please make sure to update the Instagram app to the latest update to ensure the steps seem similar to the ones that are shown below.

  1. First things first, open the Instagram app. Instagram app
  2. Tap on the Profile icon at the bottom right corner of the app. Tap Profile Icon
  3. Once you are in the Profile screen, tap on the three line icon at the top right corner as you can see below in the screenshot. Choose the three line icon
  4. In the Popup menu that appears, choose Settings. Select Settiongs
  5. Under Settings, choose Privacy in the list. Choose Privacy
  6. Under Privacy, Choose Activity Status. Select Activity Status
  7. Under Activity Status, there are two different options as you can see. So, if you want to stop anyone from seeing your online status, disable the first option that say Show Activity Status. Disable Option

As you can see in the image above, this option enables accounts your follow or anyone you message to actually see when you were last active on are currently active on Instagram apps.

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So, if you choose to turn off this option, you won’t be able to see the activity status of other accounts. Other than that, everything else works the same.

Show When You’re Active Together

This is another option that you can see in the screenshot above. When this option is enabled, this will allow accounts you follow and anyone you message to see when you’re both active in the same chat. You’ll also be able to see when they’re active in the chat.

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This option is enabled by default and you can choose to disable it if you choose to do so.


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